Realtime Google Sheets Reader, BI Tool - Mobile App
This app reads in my job-search data from my google sheets doc. I then transform and manipulate that data to display it visually. This page serves as a high-level development log for the project. All my projects are source controlled with Plastic and I figured gifs/pictures are easier to understand than a collection of CL's foreach new version.
Oops, I turned it into an audio visualizer
style and bug fixes
putting on my phone
adding queries
Beginning development
Read for patch notes: ... . Fixed major bugs: *Y-axis labels don't align with bar height/line graph nodes *Y-axis dashes don't extend across the screen far enough *Errors due to not enough graph objects because more jobs have been added to the sheet *Various minor bugs Added a statistics query Changed the style, UI a lot Removed unused button icons.
Read for patch notes: ... . Added another, more descriptive tooltip when you tap a bar Changed the style, UI a bit Bug fixes, various
Read for patch notes: ... . Added some queries and two dropdown UI to select which query you want to show Added a tooltip when you tap a bar Changed the style, UI a bit Bug fixes, various
Read for patch notes: ... . Setup a unity project for mobile and connected to source control Figured out how to read in google sheets data to Unity. Built dynamic objects to represent data. Only one query for now (jobs by status of Applied)
Imagination took over... What you're looking at: I turned the bar graph into an audio visualizer. Each bar represents a frequency band. I'm selecting bars here and they're turning white when selected. Once selected, the lowest and highest frequencies from the bands the bars represent are calculated and sent to a band stop filter. That filter attenuates the frequencies within that selected range, reducing amplitude. The label with a % you see is the start of a concept of how to gamify this. There's a random target range of frequencies I've declared and when I select the bars that contain that target range, an image sets its .radialFill to show you how close you are to selecting the frequencies within that target range. New systems: * Audio Visualizer * Native Audio Filter * Selection Box * FrequencyFinder Selection Box System: I've always wanted to make one of these silly systems. This was fun and simple to build. Audio Visualizer System: I had no idea how to build this system when I started and I researched many Youtube videos and forums and even purchased a subscription to help me with the algorithms here. Audio programmers are very smart. Audio Filter System: I created the audio filter system in C++ after the equivalent C# script came with too much overhead. The jist is that I made a custom low pass and high pass filter. I apply both of those filters on the audio signal each frame, then subtract the resulting frequencies from both - this results in something called a band stop filter, which attenuates frequencies within a given range. There's a lot of room for improvement with the algorithms in this filter. The filter itself is actually its own separate C++ project that I build down into a .dll and include into my Unity project. AKA I built the filter feature as a plugin. This was pretty challenging for me and I learned a lot of new stuff here.