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I was laid off on Valentines day, 2024.

This page shows what I'm doing with my time as I look for a new company.

Realtime Google Sheets Reader
BI Tool - Mobile App

I'm building a mobile BI tool to help me track my progress throughout my job hunt. Click the image to see more.


Crossword,Wordsearch - Mobile Apps


Learning React

I'm taking a course in React and creating a ton of projects. Hoping to gain a junior-level job as a React developer with this new knowledge. Click the image to see more.


Object Pooler - Unity Store Asset

I'm preparing my ObjectPooler to be listed for sale on the Unity Asset Store

ObjectPooler.PNG -
Minimum Wage Job

I picked up a flexible minimum wage job training AI models as I go through the process of finding a new company. It pays for the groceries and some utilities.

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